Teaching Climate Science Using Nebraska Nature
Climate change is a complex topic that can be intimidating to teach. However, understanding climate, including the ways it is changing
and how that impacts the environment, is crucial to making informed decisions and building resilience. Project Learning Tree, Project
WET, and Project WILD provide hands-on activities that are grounded in place-based, authentic student sense-making.
Join us to gain new curriculum resources and instructional strategies from Project Learning Tree, Project WET, and Project WILD into your
classroom next school year. Learn climate science from the experts, and get activities and resources to engage your students in
locally-relevant Nebraska phenomena. This professional development workshop is designed to meet the needs of educators working with
youth grades 5th through 12thin the subject areas of science, social studies, or math. Lunch and curriculum books provided.
Workshops will occur from 8 AM to 4 PM CT at the following locations, pre-registration is required:
July 17th at Morrill Hall, Lincoln, NE
July 26th at West Central Research, Extension and Education Center, North Platte, NE
July 30th at Chalco Hills Natural Resource Center, Omaha, NE
Activities are aligned to Nebraska Department of Education and National Educational Standards frameworks. By attending this
workshop, participants will recieve peer-reviewed and field-tested curriculum resources from three National curriculum programs as
well as the knowledge and confidence to integrate the activities into their work with youth.
$80 Stipends available for certified Nebraska Teachers who complete a brief curriculum implementation plan after attending the full
workshop thanks to funding from the Centers for Disease Control via National Project WET. Nonformal educators are welcome to
attend, but are ineligible for stipends.