Champion & Heritage Tree Nomination Form

Anyone can nominate a tree for inclusion in the Nebraska Champion Trees Register. Nominations are accepted year-around but are only measured during the field season (May-August). If you have measured a possible Champion Tree and its total points are somewhat close to or larger than the current Champion for that species, please complete this form.

  • Record the tree’s measurements. Fill in the name, address, and phone number of the owner(s) and nominator(s), the tree’s location, and its species. Give complete information, particularly tree location. Indicate if the circumference was measured at a height other than 4.5 feet and, if so, why.
  • Attach photographs of the bark, twigs, and leaves if possible. Photos that show the tree in its entirety are also very helpful.
  • A member of the Nebraska Community Forestry Council, the Nebraska Forest Service or the Champion Tree Coordinator will confirm the tree’s species, check the current Register to see if the tree is a possible Champion, and if so, officially measure the tree to determine its exact score. If the tree is a new Champion, it will be entered into the Nebraska Champion Tree Register. The owner and nominator will receive a Certificate of Recognition signed by the State Forester.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Specific Directions or Address
Nominator Address
Tree Owner Address