Create an Emerald Ash Borer Community Readiness and Response Plan

A photo of Emerald Ash Borer exit holes

Forest management plans provide a proactive strategy for mitigating widespread environmental impacts and unfeasible budgetary scenarios, while also serving as legal documentation of a reasonable and prudent approach to managing public tree canopy.

An Emerald Ash Borer Community Readiness and Response Plan is a guideline for the processes and decisions to be followed in preparing for and responding to the introduction of Emerald Ash Borer or EAB, an invasive and destructive pest of ash trees.

Ash species are a significant component of the urban forest in many Nebraska communities. For communities with a high percentage of ash trees, a reactive approach to EAB can lead to large numbers of dead trees to remove in a short timeframe. This plan outlines the benefits and actions required to proactively manage the ash trees in order to mitigate the impacts to budget and overall canopy health.

To begin constructing your Emerald Ash Borer Community Readiness and Response Plan, click the button below and follow the onscreen instructions.  Choose your community from the drop-down menu. The password is the county (I.E. Lancaster) your community is located in. 

EAB Community Readiness and Response Plan

Ash trees can be treated, removed or replaced, but they can’t be ignored. Nebraska Forest Service (NFS) inventories estimate that communities will need to commit more than $275 million to protect themselves from infested, publicly-owned ash trees.

A photo of someone looking for EAB samples