By seeking out additional sources of funding, the Nebraska Forest Service leverages its expertise to accomplish more projects, reach more communities, and fulfill our mission of enriching the lives of Nebraskans by protecting, restoring and utilizing the state’s tree and forest resources.
Financial Assistance Programs
Reducing Forest Fuels
To minimize damage and loss from wildfires, the NFS offers several financial assistance-only programs to help both private and non-federal public landowners reduce forest fuels.
Community Initiatives
People across Nebraska are working hard in their communities and neighborhoods to plant trees, we want to help!

Wood Energy
TREES Heat Nebraska works with interested groups to investigate and establish wood energy systems in the state.

Firefighting Equipment
Qualifying fire districts can split up to 50 percent of equipment purchases with the NFS.

Acquiring Heavy Equipment
Equipment large and small is acquired and reconditioned by the NFS. These vehicles, generators, etc. are then reassigned to participating fire districts.