Nebraska Forest Legacy Program

  • Forest Legacy Inflation Reduction Act  Project Proposals (IRA):
    • Requests for proposals for the Forest Legacy Program IRA are now open. The Nebraska Forest Legacy Program is now accepting project proposals for consideration in the Federal Fiscal Year 2025.  In FY 2025, there will be two submission and review processes for IRA funding consideration—one round in the fall 2024  and one round in the spring 2025. The outcome from each round will be three prioritized lists (one list for each project type):
      • Large Landscape Projects, (not to exceed $50 million per project)
      • Tribal Partnership Projects, (not to exceed $50 million per project)
      • Strategic Small Tract Projects  (not to exceed $1.5 million per project)


  • Forest Legacy Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
    • Requests for proposals for the Forest Legacy Program IRA are now open. The Nebraska Forest Legacy Program is now accepting project proposals for consideration in the Federal Fiscal Year 2026. (not to exceed $7 million in funding request)



  • Forest Legacy Inflation Reduction Act  Project Proposals (IRA):
    • Completed Project Proposals for the fall must be submitted no later than 5:00 P.M., August 1, 2024.
    • Completed Project Proposals for the spring must be submitted no later than 5:00 P.M., February 1, 2025.


  • Forest Legacy Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
    • Completed Project Proposals for the fall must be submitted no later than 5:00 P.M., August 1, 2024


Instructions: Mail one paper copy with an electronic copy or send an e-mail with proposals (as word Doc) to the Nebraska Forest Service, Steven Jara, Forest Legacy Coordinator, P.O. Box 830815, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0815 or


The Forest Legacy Program is a national program administered by the USDA Forest Service, State and Private Forestry in partnership with participating states. 
The Forest Legacy Program addresses privately-owned forestlands that face threats to conversion to non-forest use by urbanization, rural residential development, parcelization and other development measures. Forest Legacy provides funds for the purchase of development rights to eligible private forestlands through either conservation easement or fee-simple acquisition into public ownership. 
The goal of the program is to maintain working forests that conserve important resource and conservation values including water flows and quality; fish and wildlife habitat (especially for threatened and endangered species); stores of carbon; recreation; and biodiversity. In addition, the Forest Legacy Program promotes stewardship and sustainable management of private forest lands.

Application Instructions:

All proposals must be submitted with the following supporting documentation.

1. Cover Letter containing the following information:

  •  Project Partners with contact Information
  • Project description
  • How project fits within the Nebraska Assessment of Needs
  • Description of protected public benefits

2. Letter of commitment from the landowner

3. Letter of commitment government party willing to hold title interests.

4. Forest Legacy project worksheet describing the following:

  • Project Name
  • Public Benefit: Environmental, Economic, Social
  • Threatened (what is like to happen to result in loss of forest and public benefit)
  • Strategic (how the project fits with a larger conservation strategy)
  • List of supporting parties
  • Project map

5. Forest Legacy Tract Information

  • Landowner name and contact information
  • Is the project fee simple or conservation easement
  • Acres proposed for Forest Legacy and total acre owned
  • Estimated Tract Value
  • Forest Legacy Grant Request (dollars and Federal Fiscal Year)
  • Source of the match (list all sources)
  • Public Access Level with access description
  • Is the land adjacent to any other public lands, if so, please describe
  • Congressional District
  • Readiness level – describe the following: Has a market analysis is complete, if so what were the findings; Mineral documentation, if so what were the findings; Title search, if so what were the findings; Easement Conditions, findings

6. A budget must be included with the project proposal (budget rounded to the nearest $5,000)

7. Photos: Up to 4 Photos can be included in the application

8. Original Letters of Support 

All proposals must:

  • Meet the goals of the Nebraska Forest Legacy Program
  • Identify any federal lands or federal investments the project and other conservation properties near the proposed project area
  • Describe the extent of public access
  • Name the Project
  • Provide an estimate of the total tract cost
  • Provide a request for Forest Legacy Program Funding
  • Include cost share information, amount, and source
  • Include a timeline for the project