Quercus muehlenbergii
Next to bur oak, chinkapin oak is the second most adaptable
white oak that can be grown in Nebraska. It has a wide geographic distribution occurring naturally from Mexico to southern Canada and is
native to the southeast part of Nebraska.
Where To Grow
Perhaps in part because of its tolerance of higher pH soils, it has been planted successfully across the state proving quite adaptable
to a wide variety of conditions. Chinkapin is sometimes used for landscaping as a small ornamental tree or shrub. Its flowers are
attractive but have an unpleasant odor.
Suitable to plant throughout the state.
Size at Maturity
Tree Height
Tree Spread
Wildlife Benefits
Squirrels, chipmunks, opossums, white-tailed deer, blue jays, woodpeckers and other birds consume chinkapin nuts. White-tailed deer
browse the foliage.
Additional Considerations
Similar species tree collectors could try are the dwarf chinkapin and chestnut oaks.
Interesting Facts
The Cherokee Indians used dried leaves as washes to alleviate headaches, fevers, chills, cold sweats, and fever blisters. The Koasati
Indians used the roots of chinkapin as a decoction for stomachaches.