NFS Annual Report 2023

Friday, January 19, 2024

Within the pages of this publication, you will encounter a multitude of stories from 2023 that illuminate how the NFS is reenvisioning the role of trees within our state. Trees are no longer mere aesthetic additions; we now regard them as the foundational components of 21st-century infrastructure, capable of contributing value across a wide spectrum of applications.

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Closeup photo of John Erixson smiling
State Forester and Director, John Erixson.

"To enrich the lives of all Nebraskans by protecting, restoring, and utilizing Nebraska's tree and forest resources."

Nebraska's trees play a crucial role in our lives, fulfilling essential functions in agriculture, within our communities, and as solutions to present-day economic, social, and environmental challenges. However, our state's trees are now at a pivotal juncture. Over the past decade, we've confronted a range of threats, including the arrival of the emerald ash borer (EAB), devastating wildfires and floods, and repeated bouts of severe weather, all of which have inflicted significant harm on our tree population.

Despite the mounting challenges, the Nebraska Forest Service (NFS) and its partners are demonstrating that trees remain indispensable in addressing the challenges that lie ahead. A prime example of this can be seen in the collaborative endeavors involving landowners and partnering agencies. Whether it’s providing assistance to local volunteer fire departments when resources are limited, or working with communities to improve green infrastructure; NFS continues to be a lifeline for Nebraskans through the use of competitive grants and our staff’s commitment and resolve. All of this is accomplished with fiscal responsibility at the forefront of our objectives.

These achievements underscore the array of opportunities that surround us. However, just as our trees must adapt to the current conditions, we too must be responsive to the evolving needs of the residents we proudly serve.

Within the pages of this publication, you will encounter a multitude of stories that illuminate how the NFS is reenvisioning the role of trees within our state. Trees are no longer mere aesthetic additions; we now regard them as the foundational components of 21st-century infrastructure, capable of contributing value across a wide spectrum of applications.

Reflecting on the year 2023, I can assert with confidence that our dedicated staff is adept at transforming challenges into opportunities, embracing strategies that generate employment and revenue, and forging diverse partnerships that advance our agency's mission and entrepreneurial spirit.



Benjamin Bohall, Sandy Benson


Rachel Allison, Sandy Benson, Aaron Clare, John Erixson, Justin Evertson, Jack Hilgert, Matt Holte, Christina Hoyt, Darla Huff, Steven Jara, Brad Kindler, Chrissy Land, Fred McCartney, Jennifer Morris, Eric Moul, Doak Nickerson, Justin Nickless, Hanna Pinneo, Lew Sieber, Laurie Stepanek, Rich Woollen, Lola Young, Andrew Zahn
