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A message from the state forester
For decades, the Nebraska Forest Service (NFS) has established itself as a trusted resource in the state for managing and enhancing the quality of our trees. Whether it is coping with wildfires or slowing the spread of the emerald ash borer, communities, agencies, and citizens look to our staff to find solutions—not just suggestions.
As you read this year's annual report, I encourage you to do just that: focus on solutions. Now, more than ever, our state needs to develop comprehensive, long-term approaches to safeguard our tree and forest resources. The days of "one-size-fits-all" are well behind us.
The complexity that surrounds modern-day natural resource management is daunting. We must balance property rights with public benefit against a backdrop of weather extremes and invasive species. Many of these challenges are not new to Nebraska, but taking all of them in stride is—and it is quickly becoming the new normal.
Our staff firmly believes that collaborations, partnerships, and good old-fashioned grit are the way forward. Nebraskans have come together for the greater good countless times during our state's 150-year history. Why should addressing the threats to our livelihoods and our environment be any different?
Whether our objectives are economic, aesthetic, or environmental, we possess the innate knowledge and resources to get things done. Lucky for us, part of the answer has been standing tall for generations: the trees of Nebraska.
We appreciate you taking the time to review this report. I highly encourage you to reach out to me if you have any questions about trees or forests and their important role in our state.