Nebraska Champion Tree Register

Common Name Scientific Name Circumference (feet)* Height (feet) Average Spread (feet) Total Points Date Nominated Date Measured Tree Steward
Arborvitae, American Thuja occidentalis 8.83 25 31 138 2002 2002 Nemaha Cemetery, Nemaha
Ash, Blue Fraxinus quadrangulata 12.59 59 71 226 2022 2022 403 South 9th St., Nebraska City
Ash, Green Fraxinus pennsylvanica 16.58 93 84 313 1986 2016 3 N of Ponca on Hwy. 12
Ash, White Fraxinus americana 14.00 68 61 251.25 4/20/2006 10/17/2006 Youth Rehabilitation & Treatment Center, Geneva
Aspen, Quaking Populus tremuloides 4.6 60 30 122.7 2000 2000 Near South Sioux City
Baldcypress Taxodium distichum 15.99 65 66 273.38 2000 2022 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, North end of Maxwell Arboretum
Birch, European White Betula pendula 6.25 45 42 130 2002 2002 409 Lambrecht St, Beemer
Birch, Paper Betula papyrifera 4.17 45 32 103 6/14/2006 6/14/2006 4 miles south and 2 miles west of Sparks. 100' east of MacAllister trailhead.
*NEW CHAMPION* Birch, River Betula nigra 7.4 74 54 176.3 2000 2022 261 N.10th St. Tecumseh.
Boxelder Acer negundo 12.92 57 60 226 1997 2000 4 miles North of Long Pine
Buckeye, Ohio Aesculus glabra 11.5 52.5 56 205 2017 2017 Gretna
Butternut  Juglans cinerea 5.5 55 40 131 2000 2005 106 S. 1st St. Pierce, Nebraska
*NEW CHAMPION* Catalpa, Northern Catalpa speciosa 18.6 74 72 315 2020 2021 Private residence: 400 block of West H St. Weeping Water, NE
Cherry, Black Prunus serotina 10.17 62 57 198 2001 2002 Honey Creek School 1 mile south and 1 mile east of Peru
Chestnut, American Castanea dentata 12.33 80 60 243 2000 2000 Chestnut Grove, Arbor Lodge State Park, Nebraska City
Chokecherry Prunus virginiana 4.42 45 20 103 2003 2003 St. John's Catholic Church, 371 Skyway Dr., Lincoln
Coffeetree, Kentucky Gymnocladus dioicus 11 104 68 253 1986 2012 335 N.33rd St. Lincoln, Nebraska
National Champion! Cottonwood, Eastern Populus deltoides 36.75 88 108 565 2013 2013 10 miles northeast of Beatrice
Crab Apple (1) Malus spp 7.58 57 55 162 2000 2000 Metro Community College, Fort Omaha, West of Bldg 10, east side of the parking lot
Crab Apple (2) Malus spp 8.92 40 52 160 2000 1999 13th & N. St., Auburn
Elm, American Ulmus americana 18.5 70 85 313.25 2019 2019 Near Idylwild Park in Lincoln
Elm, Rock Ulmus thomasii 5.08 53 54 128 2001 2002 Ponca State Park
*NEW CHAMPION* Elm, Siberian (1) Ulmus pumila 17.00 94 92 325.8 2017 2021 75434 Road 421. Cozad. 69130.
Elm, Siberian (2) Ulmus pumila 16.75 89 74 309 2000 2000 6 miles west & 0.75 miles North of Morse Bluff
Elm, Slippery or Red Ulmus rubra 19.5 100 96 358 2003 2003 3095 County Road HI. Tekamah. 68061.
Fir, Concolor (white) (1) Abies concolor 9.50 61 35 184 2003 2004 6100 Northern Hills Dr, Omaha
Fir, Concolor (white) (2) Abies concolor 11.08 40 40 183 1985 1999 4.5 miles east and 4.75 miles north Falls City
Fir, Douglas Pseudotsugo menziesii 9.50 65 46 190 1995 2000 Arbor Lodge State Park, Nebraska City
Ginkgo biloba 12.33 52 63 215 1981 1999 Raymond Yost property, Nebraska City
Goldenraintree Koelreuteria paniculata 6.95 29 47 134.15 2017 2017 523 North 4th, Plattsmouth
*NEW CHAMPION* Hackberry (1) Celtis occidentalis 18 73 73 307.25 2016 2016 1057 12th St. Syracuse. 68465.
Hackberry (2) Celtis occidentalis 13.08 90 86 269 6/23/2004 6/23/2004 Four miles east of Talmage
Hackberry (3) Celtis occidentalis 15.00 63 81 263.25 4/25/2005 8/1/2005 Half mile north and 5.75 miles east of Tekamah
Hawthorns Crataegus spp 3.30 28 36 77 2002 2002 Gary Johnson, 2 miles south and west of Beemer
Hickory, Bitternut Carya cordiformis 9.83 89 68 224 1995 2000 Wyuka Cemetery, Nebraska City
Hickory, Shagbark Carya ovata 7.58 95 56 200 2005 2005 35-8-14 (NE 0.25 and N 0.5 of SE 0.25, Nebraska City )
Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos 14.50 85 63 275 2002 2002 3256 Holdrege St, Lincoln
Hophornbeam, Eastern Ostrya virginiana 4.00 41 36 98 2000 2000 1 mile south, 3 miles east of Wymore
Horsechestnut Aesculus hippocastanum 9.25 59 36 179 1987 2000 731 N. Main Street, West Point
Juniper, Rocky Mountain Juniperus scopulorum 13.08 28 31.5 192 1994 2000 Buffalo Creek Wildlife Management Area near Minatare
Larches Larix spp 8.58 58 60 176 1981 1999 Miller Park, Omaha
*NEW CHAMPION* Linden, American Tilia americana 16.4 72 50 281.3 2002 2021 Frank House. West Campus. UNK Grounds.
Locust, Black Robinia pseudoacacia 15.2 77 80 292 2014 2014 2121 West Louise St., Grand Island
Magnolia, Saucer Magnolia x soulangiana 8.08 37 52 108 2016 2016 Falls City
NEW CHAMP! Maple, Amur Acer ginnala 5 26 51 98.75 2019 2020 Genoa
Maple, Norway Acer platanoides 12.50 70 77 239 2002 2002 1565 South St., Blair
Maple, Red Acer rubrum 8.67 75 60 194 2002 2002 Arbor Lodge, Nebraska City
Maple, Rocky Mountain Acer glabrum 1.33 16 23.5 38 1998 1998 Seven miles north and 13 miles east of Harrison
NEW CHAMP! Maple, Silver Acer saccharinum 25.9 76 90 413.55 2020 2020 Hillcrest Country Club, Lincoln
Maple, Sugar Acer saccharum 12.08 56 77 220 2001 2002 703 14th St., Auburn
Mulberry, Red or White Morus rubra; M. alba 21.92 49 76 331 1978 2000 Oak Leaf Farm, 2 miles North & 3 miles East of Wahoo
Oak, Black Quercus velutina 16.75 82 72 301 1980 2000 1.25 miles west and 0.5 mile south of Barada
Oak, Bur Quercus macrocarpa 18.7 84 94 331.65 2016 2016 Peru
Oak, Chinkapin Quercus muehlenbergii 18.2 95 85 334.65 2000 2018 16729 Leavenworth Circle. Omaha. 68118.
*Oak, Dwarf Chinkapin Quercus prinoides 3.25 25 20 69 2001 2001 2 miles south and 1 mile west of Salem
Oak, English Quercus robur 12.42 55 50 267 1985 1999 Joslyn Castle, 3902 Davenport St., Omaha
Oak, Northern Red (1) Quercus rubra 15.42 85 80 290 1982 2000 1445 North Nye St., Fremont
Oak, Northern Red (2) Quercus rubra 15.50 80 87 288 2002 2002 NW Corner of 34th and Starr, Lincoln
NEW CHAMP! Oak, Pin Quercus palustris 15.6 115 85 323.45 2020 2020 Woods Avenue, Lincoln
Oak, Swamp White Quercus bicolor 13 68 97 249 2014 2014 Elmwood Park, Omaha
Oak, White Quercus alba 11.25 59 72 212 1995 1999 212 Chestnut St., Johnson
Osage Orange Maclura pomifera 17.50 57 76 286 2003 2003 4.75 miles SE and 0.75 mile E of the sawmill on the East edge of Table Rock
Pagoda Tree, Japanese Sophora japonica 9.83 79 39 207 2000 2000 Arbor Lodge State Park, Nebraska City
Pawpaw Asimina triloba 2.75 34 33 74 2018 2018 Near Bellevue, NE
Pear, Ornamental Pyrus calleryana 8.33 42 36 151 2003 2005 Valparaiso
Pecan Carya illinoensis 9.33 98 92 233 2005 8/1/2006 1 block south of Bungee Grain Elevator, Brownville
2019 Champ! Persimmon Diospyros virginiana 3.1 50 30 95 2018 2018 Harvey & Maureen Vogt
Pine, Austrian (1) Pinus nigra 9.822 72 65 206.114 1995 2017 106 Peacekeeper Dr. Bellevue. 68113
Pine, Eastern White Pinus strobus 11.33 80 72 233 1995 1999 West 21st St. and NE 8, Steele Cemetery west of Falls City
Pine, Jack (1) Pinus banksiana 4.92 72 24 137 2005 2005 NE corner of Oak Bowl, Peru - Tree 1
Pine, Jack (2) Pinus banksiana 4.83 72 24 136 2005 2005 NE corner of Oak Bowl, Peru - Tree 2
Pine, Jack (3) Pinus banksiana 5.42 64 24 135 2005 2005 NE corner of Oak Bowl, Peru - Tree 3
Pine, Limber Pinus flexilis 6.00 62 42 145 2002 2002 Kimball City Park, Kimball
Pine, Pinyon Pinus cembroides 2.50 25 16 59 2005 2005 1313 Cedar, Sidney
Pine, Ponderosa Pinus ponderosa 11.20 105.5 43 250.25 2015 2015 Gilbert Baker Wildlife Management
Pine, Scotch Pinus sylvestris 13.7 56 56 234.4 2017 2021 Levi Carter Park. 3100 Abbot Dr. Omaha 
Poplar, White (silver) Populus alba 12 92 42 334 1981 2002 111 Elm St. Arthur. 69121.
Redbud, Eastern Cercis canadensis 5.75 32 34 110 2001 2002 300 California, Peru
Redcedar, Eastern Juniperus virginiana 9.08 71 34 189 1996 2000 Peru, NE from Julian Corner, Hwy 75, 1 mile North to Road "R", 2 miles East
Russian Olive Elaeagnus angustifolia 11.00 49 40 191 2002 2002 Hairpin River Ranch (6.5 miles west of Marsland)
Spruce, Colorado Blue Picea pungens 10.00 63 45 201.25 2016 2016 Deans Green, 10th and Main St. Chadron State College, Chadron
Spruce, Norway Picea abies 12.25 79 55 240 1998 2000 Nebraska Masonic Home, 14th Street and Ave C., Plattsmouth
Spruce, White Picea glauca 7.83 71 35 173.75 2016 2016 Chadron State College
Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 5.33 74 31 146 1995 2000 Arbor Lodge State Park, Nebraska City
Sycamore, American Platanus occidentalis 18.08 88 112 333 1980 1999 1 mile west and 0.25 South of Brownville
Tree of Heaven Ailanthus altissima 16.25 55 54.5 267 2004 2005 Henry Doorly Zoo, NW of the Pachyderm Exhibit, Omaha
Walnut, Black Juglans nigra 18 101 97 341 2014 2014 Arbor Lodge State Historical Park and Arboretum, Nebraska City
Willow, Black Salix nigra 12.83 74 74 247 1988 2000 4 miles North on 513 Ave, 20 miles East of O'Neill on Co. Rd. 59, South side bridge along Verdigre Creek
NEW CHAMP! Willow, Peachleaf Salix amygdaloides 124" 66 44 200 2021 2021 Chadron State Foundation, near Briggs Pond
Willow, Weeping Salix babylonica 17.17 97 58 317.5 1988 1999 San Francisco Golf, 1st driveway on the west side of Hwy 183, South of Niobrara River
Yellow-Poplar (tulip tree) (1) Liriodendron tulipifera 13.75 94 74 277.5 1991 2020 404 North Osborn Street, Oakland
Yellow-Poplar (tuliptree) (2) Liridendron tulipifera 12.6 106 84 278.2 2020 2020 Falls City
Pending Yellow-Poplar (tulip tree) (3) Liridendron tulipifera 10.50 84 54 223 2002 2002 Arbor Lodge, Nebraska City
*Measurements are in feet unless otherwise noted.