Wood as Energy

Wood energy diagram healthy communitites and healthy forests are connected


The Nebraska Wood Energy Team was a partnership between local, state and federal organizations in Nebraska to promote woody biomass energy opportunities and advance the installation of systems to increase the use of Nebraska’s trees and forests.

What is Wood Energy?

Wood energy is the process of burning, combusting or gasifying wood fuel, capturing that heat and using it for a beneficial purpose. Traditionally, the term “wood energy” is used describe using wood fuel to heat a facility. However, the term has grown to include heating multiple buildings from one system (district heating), producing electricity using wood fuel and even cooling a facility using wood fuel and specialized equipment.

Wood energy development serves as a tool for managing Nebraska’s trees and forests. Traditionally left in piles and burned or landfilled, wood waste from communities and forest management can serve as a fuel for wood energy providing a useful outlet for waste wood.

Wood Energy Hotspot Assessment
In 2017, the Nebraska Forest Service contracted with the Biomass Energy Resource Center to conduct an assessment of Nebraska communities to identify those with greatest wood energy potential.

Identified 9 facilities with wood energy potential across Nebraska
Identified several additional facilities which could have wood energy potential
Transportation of wood chip fuel should be reviewed due to Nebraska’s low vehicle weight limits
Services Offered When Funds and Resources Available
Provide hands-on technical assistance to interested facilities
Complete wood energy pre-feasibility and engineering studies (depending on funds available)
Coordinate wood energy outreach workshops and training (when in demand)
Offer financial assistance for the installation of wood energy systems at proven facilities (depending on funds available)

Contact Us
For questions regarding wood energy in general, please contact Nebraska Forest Service, Forest Products Utilization staff.