Tsuga Canadensis
Native to Eastern U.S., Canada.
Eastern hemlock is a shade-tolerant native of the eastern US growing from Minnesota to Maine and south to the higher elevations of
Georgia. The tree is not abundant in Nebraska but is occasionally found in protected landscape plantings, especially where a
shade-tolerant evergreen is desired.
Where To Grow
Eastern hemlock can be grown in protected locations across Nebraska, but is best suited to the eastern half of the state where soil
moisture is more consistent and abrupt temperature swings are less severe. Best sited in part shade in sheltered locations protected
from strong drying winds and hot afternoon sun. Hemlock’s graceful form makes it a good foundation planting against larger homes and
buildings. Eastern hemlock generally does not tolerate nutrient-poor soils, heavy/wet soils or poorly drained sites. It is also not
tolerant of prolonged heat or drought.
Suitable to plant east of the 100th meridian.
Size at Maturity
Tree Height
Tree Spread
Wildlife Benefits
Eastern hemlock stands are considered important as shelter and cover for white-tailed deer and other wildlife species, such as turkey,
ruffed grouse, and others.
The lumber is used for general construction and crates. Because of its unusual power of holding spikes, it is also used for railroad
Additional Considerations
Hemlock is susceptible to winter burn and wind-throw when planted on open sites. Although the tree can live for centuries in native
woods, it is becoming decimated by the Hemlock woolly adelgid in the southern part of its range. The adelgid is a small, white,
sap-sucking insect native to Japan.
Numerous cultivars of Eastern hemlock have been developed, including compact shrubs, dwarfs, weeping and upright types, variegated in
color, and graceful trees. The tree can be used as a specimen, screen, or in group planting. It can be pruned over time into a formal
evergreen hedge.
Related species
Although there are other hemlock species in North America and also in Asia, they’re not considered suitable for planting in
Interesting Facts
American Indians used the cambium as the base for bread and soups or mixed it with dried fruit and animal fat for pemmican. Natives and
white settlers also made tea from hemlock leaves, which have a high vitamin C content.