Cedar Canyon

Cedar Canyon

Cedar Canyon State Demonstration Forest was deeded to the Nebraska Forest Service in fall 1992 from the USDA Farmers Home Administration. The property is 640 acres situated on bottom lands of stream valleys, canyons and steep uplands. The soils throughout the site are silty and loamy.

Dominant grass species occurring on the bottomland areas are Kentucky bluegrass, needle-and-thread grass and western wheatgrass. Uplands are populated by little bluestem, big bluestem, blue grama, hairy grama and western wheatgrass. Various forb species such as Missouri goldenrod, upright prairie coneflower, western ragweed and blue verbena also occur in this area. Tree species include green ash, hackberry and cottonwood, which occur sparsely along the bottoms of slopes. Eastern redcedar dominates the north and east aspects of slopes. Cedar Canyon also includes 108 acres of cropland.


Cedar Canyon State Forest is located in Lincoln County, Nebraska, approximately 8 miles southeast of North Platte near Box Elder Canyon. Legal description: SW 1/4 of Section 11; NE 1/4 and W 1/2 of Section 14, T 12 N, R 29 W.

Map of Cedar Canyon State Forest's location.


Most of the research interests at Cedar Canyon Demonstration Forest are oriented toward management strategies of rangeland and timberland. Objectives of the Cedar Canyon management plan include:

  • Demonstrate the positive influence field windbreaks have on crop production and soil conservation in western Nebraska.
  • Manage the redcedar to improve forage production, watershed stability and produce wood products.
  • Establish hardwood plantings to determine adaptability and growth potential as well as improve species composition of the forest.
  • Improve the habitat potential of the forest and increase wildlife species diversity.
  • Promote and demonstrate good forest stewardship and conservation practices.
  • Maintain a stable rangeland trend with the long-term goal of improving the range condition through construction of range improvements.


Cedar Canyon Demonstration Forest was established for the purposes of soil conservation, rangeland improvement, timberland improvement, fish and wildlife habitat maintenance, maintenance of natural plant species and ecology of the area, recreation and aesthetics.