Horning State Farm Demonstration Forest comprises 240 acres that include native woodland, planted woodland, plantable grassy areas, bluegrass pasture and arboretum and wildlife areas. Tree species include Austrian pine, Rocky Mountain juniper, ponderosa pine, eastern redcedar, green ash, bur oak, Scotch pine, white pine, honeysuckle, Japanese larch, black locust, Russian olive, hackberry, sycamore, red oak, Jack pine, Douglas fir, black cherry, eastern cottonwood and honeylocust. The arboretum area includes a building, residence, yard, demonstration and meeting areas.
Most research at Horning Farm is directed toward tree species cultivation, research and management. Specific strategies for some of the areas include thinning and decreasing tree invasion in grassy areas. Educators, individuals or groups wishing to visit Horning State Farm for educational or research purposes should contact the Nebraska Forest Service.
The overall mission at Horning State Farm is research and management strategies for forest trees. More information from the UNL School of Natural Resources
Horning Farm State Demonstration Forest is located 2 miles south of Plattsmouth in Cass County, Nebraska. Legal description: SE 1/4 and S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sect. 30, T 12 N, R 14 E.
Legal description
SE 1/4 and S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sect. 30, T 12 N, R 14 E. Research Most research at Horning Farm is directed toward tree species cultivation,
Most research at Horning Farm is directed toward tree species cultivation, research and management. Specific strategies for some of the areas include thinning and decreasing tree invasion in grassy areas.
Educators, individuals or groups wishing to visit Horning State Farm for educational or research purposes should contact the Nebraska Forest Service.
The overall mission at Horning State Farm is research and management strategies for forest trees.